Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

some psychology links

Friday, July 24, 2009

on the road again

if anyone is dropping by here i won't be back to trading till august 8th or so. i am currently earning a paycheck for a few weeks at an airshow in wisconsin. damn it feels could to get out of that arizona heat.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

retracement to high.

tight stop but doesn't trade well the stock.

i should have loaded the boat, which i guess i did. 38% nearby and right at previous days low. i couldnt' tell what the market was going to do at this point, but it did end up going down. but my 11:07 short at .37 i don't remember hitting the buttons for that one. i wanted a better price. i should have shorted around .55. waited for my price then i would be very comfortable. i wound up with 300 short from .47. i piked out of this trade like a mother fucker. the reason being is my stop in my head was .65. and my average was .47. 300 shares @ .17 loss is a lot for me to take fight now. i got a bad price. i didn't wait and i should have. i should have gotten my first at .55, my second 100 at .58 and my last hundred around .50 or .45 wherever. i would have felt more comfortable. i didn't feel like losing around 60 bucks if the trade went bad. right now x is at .19 and never came close to my stop.

stopped myself for the rest of the day. trading frustrated. trading too much. -18, +26 comm. too much trading. not entering at correct price which i told myself i would.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

shorted rimm the first time because of an "h" pattern. didn't work out. bought a little early on the pullback later on.

wanted to short aapl around .80 but didn't have the patience to wait. if i would have just waited for my price i would have been good. second time around, i tried to buy apple as it retraced to previous days high. a few mintues early.