Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i thought the market was going to pop. i bought this as well as fcx.

chat room, breaking highs. i took my money and ran.

i don't think charts get better than this. that was a beautiful 50% pullback, plus a nice doji. unfortunately, i wasnt in the office yet and i try not to trade before 10:30. though, i may change that to if i see a truly compelling chart i willl take the trade.

bought it as i thought market was going to pop. took my money and ran when momo stalled. i tried to purchase again later on after a pullback but i got stopped out. when at it again after it made a beautiful hammer, but there was no follow through. then i went short but got stopped out there as well.

phew. look at that son of a gun. 2 points in about 20 minutes. i tried shorting later in the day thinking it would head to lows. what goes up must come down.

i bought the consolidation. got stopped out. this was a bad trade because i put my stop at a money loss level vs the correct technical level. if i would have waited and bought according to the correct technical level then i would have been okay. to further explain, i got in and put my stop around .44 because i didn't want to lose too much. but it really should have been at the bottom of the earlier hammer around .34.

momo pushing up. no follow through.

1 comment:

  1. Josh thanks for the quick response. Per our conversation RealTick lists Lightspeed Trading as one of their Brokers, although when I asked customer service during my trial he seemed baffled as to what RealTick even was??? Anyway what are your average monthly costs using Ligthspeed? How do you have it setup? Many thanks.
