Thursday, December 30, 2010

i have to say taking time off recently has allowed me to clear my head. i realized when you are trading everyday, and are consistently wrong, it is very hard to get out of a negative mindset. imagine going into a job everyday, and every time you go to do a task, 30-40% of the time you are wrong. you would feel deflated at the end of everyday. i believe you would even tell yourself you aren't made for this job. find a new career. that is the place i was at. i think with enough time, and capital, one can train themselves to be an excellent trader. after you have developed a plan the trick is to stick to that plan. i have to be okay with being a one trick pony. i have to be okay with being bored. if i can make $300/day, which is 2 300 share trades for .50 i would be happy. granted, i would like to make more, but i can afford to make even less than that and still live happily.

looking over the years past charts, its crazy to see how many perfect setups there were. a nice move up, a gentle pullback to the 20 moving average, a nice narrow candle, confluence on multiple time frames, and then the trade goes your way. the hard part is having the patience to wait and not jump the gun. if the stock is too far from the 20, i need to pass on it, or just wait. once the stock takes off, i need to lock in profits at an ideal area, not just because i'm up X amount.  i have to be okay with not hitting homeruns.  everytime i trade, subconsciously i'm trying to get back to even. if i just hit singles day in and day out, i would be fine.

this job affords the ability to do what you want when you want. the secret for me is believing in myself, my system, and again having patience. i need to get back to listening to the affirmations and visualizing my setups. although i question the effectiveness sometimes, i know i am  better trader with the affirmations and visualizations then without them.

i have a much going on over the next few months. on the days where i can fully commit my day, or a period of the day to trading, then i will trade. no more, haphazard trading; trying to accomplish tasks while i am trading.

i feel good. i believe i can do this. the only questions is whether my capital (both financial as well as mental) with outlast my learning curve. if i see myself becoming negative, i'm going to take a few days off. as for the financial capital, i was lucky enough to hear some good news. once a month i will be flying to different events around the country for embraer. i will gone from 5-10 days at a time. enough chance to make some money, while still having the ability to trade when i get back.

i will have to see how things are playing out by the summer time and decide to go to a 1 year masters program or continue trading. ideally i could do both.

i hope everyone is doing well out there in blogland!

some comedy

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