Thursday, April 29, 2010

to me, market doesn't seem to have moved as much as some of these stocks

could i have bought the highs that don't exist on this chart.

bad timing. i was trying to buy the middle are of the the breakout bar. i got in, and got out .02 above the love of the pullback.

again trying to buy the pullback.

easy easy easy. didn't take it

wow another easy one. i wanted to short around 2pm but i didn't. stupid stupid stupid

breaking highs failure

wanted to short where that line is. i put an order but it never triggered.

F apple. i was short, then covered and got long, and then it dropped. unreal

today was pretty upsetting. i set my account to not be able to trade after being down $200. but, it allows me to keep orders open. so, i held on to the apple. wound up down $350. i can't have days like this. i only have a few thousand left to my grand experiment. i need to start focusing.

i set up something else to assist me. you know, watching high and lows is good, but i am going to focus on that as well as what is up or down x% on the day. the way i look at it, if a stock is down 3% around 11am, maybe it will be down 6% or 10% by the end of the day. i am going to have my filters find these stocks and i am going to be focusing heavily on them.

i am not trying to change my system of watching gappers, highs and lows, but i am trying to refine it all. lets see how it goes tomorrow.

look at stocks like bp, cam, fti. all of these show up on the %down or up. oh, i also sort them by how much volume they are doing for the day.

i really need to start mediating or hypnotizing myself so that i believe i can do this. without, i have no chance. i have to believe.

although today, i really felt like i was the worst trader in the world. how could every trade go wrong. is that even possible. for me it was. all this posting isn 't helping me either. it helps me get off my chest what i am thinking. it helps me review my charts, but i don't know if it is helping me to further myself. i am definitely going to keep doing it but, i need to figure out a way to get more out of all the charts.


  1. Yesterday was a rough paper day for me as well. Today I think I figured something out... but I have thought that plenty of times before =)

    Have you considered paper trading? I was not a very big fan, I didn't think it involved me as much emotionally as real money did, but I have been trying it the last several weeks and I think it is helping. I just trade as much as I can. I think I am slowing down some finally - and maybe getting better (?). For sure a lot cheaper =)

    Best of luck!

  2. i actually paper traded for a few weeks before i went "live" last year. i was able to make money paper trading because i didn't have any emotional attachment to the money. then when i went live, you become much more attached.

    also, my lightspeed software does not have a paper trading mode. i opened an interactive brokers account so i could paper trade, but i don't like their interface at all.

    after yesterday, i started adding to my watch lists stocks which are up or down 3% or more, and then paying special attention to these as well. when i am just watching the high/lows like fng scott i can't seem to zero in on the correct stocks. if i focus on the stocks already up or down X amount, i can find the stocks that are moving. the way i see it, scott says if a stock is down 2dollars, whose to say it won't be down 4 dollars. same thing goes for the %down, if it is down 2% whose to say it won't close 10% down.

    you will see from my charts today,i had all the right charts up, just not the confidence. you should also check out t3live or broad st trading. they both have live trading rooms. broad st watches the highs and lows like fng. t3live has about 10 different traders who you can tune into. i listen to sperling, melnick, mike lee, and steve levay and sometimes redler. it is nice because i don't feel like i am stuck in my house, i feel like i am in a large trading room somewhere in nyc.

  3. I can appreciate the attachment when it comes to live trading. I hate it - emotions kill lol.

    I agree about IB's interface. Plenty awkward. I have been using Ninjatrader 7's latest beta, but the learning curve has been steep. I would volunteer that it is buggy, but I think most of it is user error.

    I appreciate your thoughts on the best movers. I had a similar idea this morning. It seemed to work today. Thanks for sharing!
